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Machine Zero


I am frequently asked how I came up with the name DCX Machine. After spending some time going through a standard branding practice, I simply let go and accepted that I would be given direction to come up with a meaningful name for the consultancy at the right time.

On a sunny, warm spring day, I ventured out to play golf. I stepped up into the 1st tee box and took some relaxed practice swings. Without overthinking it, I simply swung through the ball with relaxation and no extra effort. Detached from the outcome. Simply enjoying the moment. On this par 3, with that swing, the ball lofted in the air and landed about 145 yards down range. I was within a few feet of the hole.

Having a wonderful opening shot, I sat back and waited for my golf partner to take their shot. In that moment I soaked up the sun and began to breathe in the air. As I looked around, I began to notice a few things. I saw some old golf maintenance equipment in the distance, and some birds as well. Then it hit me.

There was a still small voice speaking to me,
'Do you see the birds?'... 'Do you see the equipment?'
I watched the birds and they started picking at insects with their beak. These beaks were created with precision for a specific job.

I thought, what an amazing machine they have been built to be.

With that, I felt the same about humanity as an amazing creation. Our enormous capacity for extremes. Love, hate, peace, violence.

We decide our run code.

I was inspired by machines, some mechanical, some digital, and especially biological.

I decided to brand as DCX Machine to bring innovation, empowerment, and truth.

There are two main concepts that enable company launch, growth, health, and sustainability. Generation and Protection.

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I believe that how we experience life is a decision. I am not talking about just any moment in time. I am speaking about moments that speak to your being. Moments that transcend our concept of time. Moments that change your perception of life and how you experience it. Deep